Monday, June 18, 2007

IPL Fights for Clean Cars

According to an article in the Contra Costa Times,
East Bay clergy members ...have taken the lead in a legal showdown over a law that would direct automakers to produce only fuel-efficient vehicles.
The Automakers Alliance, and primarily Toyota, sued in 2004 to stop the state from implementing AB1493, dubbed the Clean Car Bill. It became law in 2002 but has yet to be implemented. It requires manufacturers to use the most feasible and cost-effective methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
California Interfaith Power and Light, a faith-based environmental organization based in Oakland, supported the law and is urging the manufacturers to drop their lawsuit.
"It's shocking that they would be blocking a bill that would take all necessary steps to apply (clean air) standards," said Jessica Brown, outreach director of the group.
Interfaith Power and Light's goal is to encourage California's 50,000 congregations to adopt sustainable energy practices, and in turn to urge their congregants to do the same. The organization also sounds the drum on global warming.
The organization is rallying its more than 460 member congregations to weigh in by today, when a pretrial conference will be held.
Brown finds a particular irony in Toyota's attack on the bill since so many faith leaders drive a Prius, an energy-efficient hybrid car manufactured by the company.

IREJN is Connecticut's Interfaith Power and Light. Visit us at

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